About the ADS Cluster
The Advanced Digital Skills Cluster aim to support the development of advanced digital skills in areas covered by the Programme to contribute to increasing Europe’s talent pool, bridge the digital divide and foster greater professionalism
Funded initiatives
EU Member States
Participating organisations
The ADS cluster

SPECIALISED Education Programmes 2021-2022
Bachelors, masters, and self-standing modules in key capacity areas such as:
- Artificial Intelligence
- Data analytics
- Cybersecurity
- Chips
- Internet of Things
- Robotics
Short-Term Training Courses
Training courses targeted at businesses and small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in key capacity areas such as:
- Cybersecurity
- Blockchain
- AI
- Cloud
- Other emerging technologies

EuroHPC JU Training
EuroHPC Training Platform
- International high-performance computing (HPC)
- Summer school
- Professional traineeships
Other support projects
Support to EdTech, start-ups and SMEs to accelerate their disruptive EdTech solutions
- Advanced Digital Skills Analysis - Analysis of the European labour market
- Promoting European Innovation in Education - support to EdTech start-ups and SMEs to accelerate their EdTech solutions
- Digital Skills and Jobs platform - Bringing together initiatives, resources, and the digital skills community

- 37% Higher education establishments
- 36% Private for-profit entities
- 8% Research organisations
- 2% Public bodies
- 17% Other organisations