Europe's digital competitiveness

Why LEADSx2030 matters

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SMEs to reach a level of at least basic digital intensity

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Key public services digitalised

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Tertiary education graduates in fields like engineering, manufacturing and construction

The need for incentives amidst stagnant workforce trends

In the context of the Digital Decade target, of the 10 million ICT professionals employed in Europe, 80% of them are men. The challenge to reach the 20 million profiles with is significant. The route to these roles, whether specialist or user, is dominated by higher education.

According to Eurostat, 67% of ICT Specialists in the EU possess a higher education degree either coming through from undergraduate or joining through specialised Masters, or professional training programmes.

It is observed that the percentage of academic staff over the age of 50 has remained static at 40% over the second-half of the past decade. To prevent qualified educators from leaving for more lucrative positions in industry, it is crucial to offer attractive incentives

Our connection with LEADS

Across the engagement with hundreds of stakeholders, organisation of dozens of roundtables, workshops and events, participation in high-level forums and the in-depth analysis of key data, the LEADS consortium, and by extension the ADS SO4 Cluster of the DIGITAL Programme have identified the following key messages in relation to the stimulation of the supply of ICT Specialists and advanced digital talent.

The ADS Cluster

LEads projects brochure

The Advanced Digital Skills Cluster aim to support the development of advanced digital skills in areas covered by the Programme to contribute to increasing Europe’s talent pool, bridge the digital divide and foster greater professionalism.

  • 37% Higher education establishments
  • 36% Private for-profit entities
  • 8% Research organisations
  • 2% Public bodies
  • 17% Other organisations

Our impact


A European digital supply chain and global leadership

LEADSx2030 will help key digital supply chain actors plan for and attract the talent needed to drive future technologies in Europe, enabling a 4-year planning cycle and creating partnerships to address evolving talent needs and digital expertise.


Widescale digital technology adoption

The project identifies areas where start-ups and SMEs may face talent shortages, develops profiles for citizen digital experts, and offers best practices that can be adopted across Europe.


Supporting the digitalisation of European society

Practical guidelines will be provided for the translation of developed insights and data across the spectrum of stakeholders to enable change in advanced digital skills provision.


Ensuring benefits of digitalisation reach all areas

We will work across education and training communities and tech developers to ensure that the advanced digital skills are front and center of all tech transfer activities and organization development.


Accelerating economic growth and recovery

LEADSx2030 will contribute to economic growth, as it promotes informed decision-making.

What we are delivering

Icon best practices

Best Practice Hub

The advancedskills.eu portal will host a Best Practice Hub, collecting successful practices from SO4 ADS Cluster projects. This online repository will facilitate matching examples to challenges for annual reports and recommendations. Approved practices will be promoted via social media, with campaigns to encourage further submissions and recognition at the Annual Summit.

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ADS Demo Arena

The ADS Demo Arena, hosted on advancedskills.eu and dedicated YouTube channel, offering a TedTalk-style platform for SO4 ADS Cluster partners to share engaging content. It highlights best practices, key learnings, tools, and introduces new projects, enhancing visibility and fostering community among contributors within the initiative.

Icon ADS state of play

Annual ADS State of Play

The ADS State-of-Play report offers a comprehensive analysis of advanced digital skills, covering demand, supply, challenges, and best practices. Sections include insights from the SO4 ADS Cluster, key statistics, and a review of the past year. The draft will debut at the Annual Summit, supported by communication campaigns and expert feedback.

Icon policy labs

Policy Labs

The ADS State-of-Play report will guide annual recommendations for policymakers by identifying key challenges. Current priorities include flexible accreditation, recognition of prior learning, and meeting the demand for specialised ICT talent. Policy labs will facilitate discussions among experts to refine recommendations, resulting in concise white papers for stakeholders in education and industry.

Icon summit

Annual Summit

The Annual ADS Summit is a key event aimed at enhancing advanced digital skills in Europe by uniting academia, industry, and policymakers. Focusing on bridging the skills gap, it features discussions, workshops, and networking opportunities to foster innovation in digital education and strategic collaborations for a competitive workforce in the digital economy.

What are the challenges?

Multilayer and interdependent nature of advanced digital skills

Provide continuous review of demand and supply changes related to ADS through an open and integrated market hub

Demand mapping and supply stimulation

Provide specific mapping of the outputs of the DIGITAL SO4 funded actions to identify key results and success stories across key themes and provide integrated datasets across the whole cluster

Sustainability of networks and ecosystems

Develop further the DIGITAL SO4 funded actions into a dynamic and connected network of actors to support their success, promote best practices and drive excellence across the board.

Our latest events

Marketing webinar


The session was led by John Collins, sales, marketing and communications manager at Trinity Business School, Dublin. It was quite an informative session and we covered plenty of key points regarding the concept of Marketing.l […]

20×30: Europe’s Advanced Digital Skills Summit


20×30: Europe’s Advanced Digital Skills Summit In an era of rapid technological evolution, Europe’s competitive edge hinges on its ability to develop and maintain advanced digital skills. Facing a critical […]

LEADS Thematic Webinar: Good Practices in Courses’ Recruitment


On May 8, 2024, at 11:00am join us for an interactive and insightful webinar on “Good Practices in Courses’ Recruitment”. Join us for an in-depth exploration of the key aspects […]

Our partners

The current landscape

LEADS latest publications

Next-Gen Enterprise Integration Suite

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Quantum Data Analytics

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Digital Transformation Initiative

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Zenith Blockchain Security Enhancement

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Unified Communication System

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Horizontal Timeline (Carousel)

Jan 2021Company Established
March 2021New office in California
April 2022First Product Launch
September 2022Entering Stock Market

Who will benefit

Following a collaborative-centric methodology, the project team seeks to maintain a close engagement with:




Industy experts


Beyond the Basics: Specialized Men's
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Comprehensive Financial Solutions

Retirement Planning

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Financial Planning

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Insurance Services

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Debt Management

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Educational Planning

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Risk Management

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community favorites

Circuit Bootcamp

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Strength Training

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Cardio and HIIT

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